Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Povray for Dummies

Let's play a game.  How do you feel about Povray?  It's really fun.  Here are the rules for the game:
1.get creative!! explore the help icon!! Read about the"cool" features available to play with it.
2.  never forget to include  #include ""  and  #include "" at the very beginning of your file!
3. make sure, you're comfortable with the x, y and z coordinates.
4. apply the right lighting, otherwise all you see is infinite darkness!!
5. don't forget about your camera projections: perspective, orthographic, cylinder and fish eye!!
6. Checkers!! remember the rgb percentages!!! r: red, g: green and b:blue

Task # 0:
Create a plane of checkers:
  • Fish eye
  • Orthographic
  • Perspective

Task #1:
Remember your drawings when you were 5? That's what we're looking for.  Create a house and a tree.

Task #2:
 3 balls of the same size sitting in a row. The balls should be covered w/checkers.
  • Perspective
  • Orthographic

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